Individual Retreat with Silence and Meditation in Cozy Country Home outside Hamburg, Germany
Get away, get cozy, and go within. Here at the Little Paradise Meditation & Retreat Center we offer a retreat for anyone looking for a safe, quiet and accepting space to come and rest your mind. Our space is facilitated by a long time meditation practitioner Maria Lefèvre. Enjoy a warm and accommodating home in […]
8 Days Individual Retreat with Silence and Meditation outside Hamburg, Germany
With Maria Lefèvre
One week for finding inner peace and serenity. Arriving at your inner center and taking a rest from normal life. This is a single-person retreat.There will be other people in the house - likewise on individual retreat.According to your demand, qualified retreat supervision will be available.For our retreat guests, we will suggest a daily schedule emcompassing […]
30 Days Individual Retreat with Silence and Meditation Outside Hamburg, Germany
With Maria Lefèvre
Timeout for people in search of an intense retreat. (Re-)treat yourself for 30 days.This is a single-person retreat.There will be other people in the house - likewise on individual retreat.According to your demand, qualified retreat supervision will be available.For our retreat guests, we will suggest a daily schedule emcompassing times for meditation or prayer, contemplation, […]
40 Days Individual Meditation and Silence Retreat Outside Hamburg, Germany
With Maria Lefèvre
Long timeout for people in search of an intense retreat. (Re-)treat yourself for 40 This is a single-person retreat.There will be other people in the house - likewise on individual retreat.According to your demand, qualified retreat supervision will be available.For our retreat guests, we will suggest a daily schedule emcompassing times for meditation or prayer, contemplation, […]